Today, Saturday, I went to Growing to Seve a special day at Grace Church, Yate. The theme was Exodus, The Book, the reversal of Exile, and all it means for us. The day was a blessing, and played on my mind when thinking of Advent.
Exile reversed
Being broken, the way lost
Being freed, redeemed
Jesus, Waymaker
Himself taken, exiled
Prince of Peace, Lawmaker
Leading us, redeeming us
Breaking our exile
Captain of our Salvation
Son of God, Son of Man
Our refuge, our Manna, our dwellingplace.
People sitting in darkness
A great Light will shine
Setting free, leading into Light
Exiles returning Home
To be with the Living God
A tabernacle, earth bound
A wilderness dwelling
Pilgrims, lawbreakers, following, trusting
Drinking from the Rock
Knowing our King, our Guide
Not seeing, still believing
Standing in His freedom.