It was National Adoption Week this week, so here are my thoughts as an adoptive mum.
6 Things I learned as an Adoptive Mum

Life is busy, and blessed. Here I will share with you more about my life.
It was National Adoption Week this week, so here are my thoughts as an adoptive mum.
5 Holiday Tricks I Don’t Follow Either. Do you love holidays? Do you roll with the meltdowns, or avoid them at all cost?
Dutch Pancakes. My loose style recipe for proper pancakes, as featured in Mom’s Favorite Reads.
Coffee, why do I drink it and how?
Have you been good this year? My thoughts on this question.
Have you heard about a Life Story Book? My look at it, explaining what I think about it.
Freedom is never free…
Last month I wrote about fear that can replace fun on special days. I promised then that I would share some of the options that have helped my children. I have four children, and they all deal with situations differently. They all have different ways of falling apart after a late night (something I’m very […]
5 fears of fun feast and festivals