My kids love Bertie. We all fell in love with the cheeky little water buffalo. So when Bertie at the Worldwide Games came out, my kids were thrilled to see Bertie in a kilt, representing Scotland at the World Wide Games. You might wonder what a water buffalo is doing up in Scotland, but Bertie the Buffalo is based on a true story, and Book One tells you all about him. The fact that Bertie is now off to the Worldwide Games might sound farfetched, but stranger things happen in life…
Of course, Bertie didn’t go to the Games by himself; his friends all came along too. That is where the story gets so lovely and encouraging for children. You can’t do everything by yourself. If you want to win, you will need to work as a team. The story describes how Bertie receives the invite, travels all the way to Tokyo and takes part in the Games.
I love the rhyming story, as it makes the story fast-paced. Bertie is great fun, and I’m so glad book two is here! The artwork is wonderful as always, and Bertie sparkles with life.
Wendy H. Jones, the author, has done a fabulous job, as book one was lovely so to do a second book is hard. My kids had great expectations, and they were not disappointed. The subject matter is a little more complex, but the message of working together was clear and my children loved talking about the pictures. Just looking at Bertie and his friends kept them happy for ages.
Wendy writes for all different ages, not just children, but teens as well as adults. It’s a skill to cover so many different topics and types of stories in such a delightful way, and the kids and I are hoping there will be more Bertie books!
I received a free copy via Love Books Tours but was under no obligation or pressure to write a favourable review. These are my own views. I bought a copy for my children as well.