“Every day, you use the ultimate supercomputer … your brain!
Discover the gruesome history of neuroscience, check out the inner workings of animal brains and find out all about the remarkable things the brain can do. How fast can a thought travel? How do senses work? Why do we sleep? Find out the answers to these questions and many, many more.”
This Book Is Full Of Brains is everything the blurb says it is. It has brilliant illustrations, and I found myself turning the pages eagerly, looking forward to interesting bite-size facts. The pages have bright coloured illustrations, done by Josy Bloggs and Liz Kay. Each page is laid out in a similar way, making it easier to access the information. The book has a great way of dealing with details, by raising the detail out of the whole and by using different coloured arrows.
Little House of Science, who runs fun after-school clubs, workshops and holiday camps to teach STEM-related subjects to children from age 3 to 12, has produced their first book, and it looks amazing. It is written in a fun and interesting way, but has some complex things, like long names for parts of your brain. The last few chapters are interesting as well, as they deal with animal brains, robots, dinosaurs and even plants.
I enjoyed this book a lot, more than I thought I would, as it’s so varied. It’s in small chunks dotted around the page and the illustrations caught my eyes. I know my children will keep looking at this book over and over. As adoptive parents, we had to read quite a lot about brains and what trauma does to them, and although this book doesn’t deal with trauma, it still feels helpful to show how your brain functions. It especially explains the Neural Pathways clearly with great illustrations.
This Book Is Full Of Brains also has little experiments to try at home, as well as optical illusions. I love optical illusions as they’re always fun to do and the other experiments can be done without difficulty. I know my kids love books with activities, and these experiments sound good and most of them can be done independently. My son who adores octopuses was thrilled to try out the octopus body control test, failing sadly…
I received a beautiful hardback review copy via Love Books Tours but was under no pressure or obligation to write a favourable review.