“Melissa Green lived with her mother in a big brown brick house with a grey slate roof, up the top of a hilly street called Crimmond Road, with lots of other houses just the same.”
The Little House in Heaven starts with this delightful opening line. It immediately painted a picture in my mind. Melissa is a sweet little girl of nearly eight, the age group the book is aimed at. She lives with her mother on the middle floor, and opposite their door is another door, leading to a little step up t the attic where another lady lives, Ms Amy Light.
Amy Light introduces Melissa to God and soon Melissa finds herself transported into heaven where she meets Jesus. After her sins are washed away, she is shown a little house that will become her mansion over time. Melissa is told how to lay up treasures in heaven and returns home to start her Christian walk.
Kathleen Watson, the author, has done a lovely job with this little book. She paints such a beautiful picture of heaven and how our decisions in life affect our standing before God. She makes it clear throughout The Little House in Heaven how our wrong-doings grieve God and affect our fellowship with Him.
The Little House in Heaven reminded me of older classics, like Teddy’s Button or A Basket of Flowers, sweet books that explain Christian living to children. The Little House in Heaven uses lovely picture language and includes Bible references, so children can look up the details for themselves.
The last chapter is a lovely ending to The Little House in Heaven as Melissa goes to her little house for the final time as an old woman, this time to stay for good. There might be some triggers in the book, like when Melissa’s granny dies but it’s dealt with sensitively.
I received a review copy via Read Between the Lines but was under no pressure or obligation to write a favourable review.